What’s the Rotary Dryer Preparation Before Starting Work?

Rotary dryer is widely used to dry materials in industries like cement, mine, construction, chemical, food, compound fertilizer, etc. What’s the preparation work to do before starting rotary dryer?

First , checking

  1. Check the drum dryer if drive part is short of oil.
  2. Check the transmission part is flexible.
  3. The heating furnace of drum dryers with joint, the dryer outlet, rotary cutting machine (mill) below are clean.
  4. The conveyor parts clean.
  5. To ensure that the derailment of the dryer of the water in the tank to the roll.Bearing to once every three days to five days to add the oil (judging by the bearing heat when refueling)To regular inspection regular tanker, overheating)
  6. The fan and dryer gear boxes refueling gear oil or oil to use.Oil (best), belt conveyor gas oil must be used.(quarterly basis,Oil change)
  7. Debugging of belt conveyor, belt which side to work excessively, which side is in the tail rod to adjust the top silk, or loose on the other side of the top wire(according to the skin An elastic adjusting)

Second, the boot

  1. Lighting the stove
  2. Start the host (dryer), and then start the conveyor.
  3. Start the blower, and then start the induced draft fan, cylinder internal again after reaching a certain temperature.

Third, stop

  1. Stop the 30 minutes before the fire, stop induced draft fan and blower.
  2. Stop charging.
  3. The drum dryer material basic line inside the body to stop.
  4. Drying the body temperature must be under 80 degrees to downtime.

Fourth, operations,
The main characteristic of the dryer is the material moisture dry, to achieve the ideal drying effect and quality, must meet the following conditions:

  1. The fuel: coal, used in this dryer furnaces should be more than 5500 calories.
  2. Thefurnace Labour: maintain the appropriate temperature, qijia coal, thin coal burning, timely and slag removal, timely and coal.
  3. Material: uniform feeding, don’t stop time is too long or too much to feeding.
  4. Regularly cleaned conveyor work with dryer stove joint parts of falling material.
  5. Check whether the conveyor belt is greedy, joint connections are in good condition,should timely adjust the repair.
  6. Check the dryer conveyor and connection screw loosening, belt looseness is normal.
  7. The mechanic for the parts should be timely to add butter, oil, regularly check the machine whether there is abnormal sound, timely treatment is found, on a regular basis
    Check all parts are in lack, such as found missing, in a timely manner.
  8. Not all clear, extinguish the fire at night, someone must be on duty, to prevent the fire kindled damaged equipment.

Fifth, the special outage (power)
Outage or special downtime, if drying tube temperature higher than 80 degrees, artificial stimulating various dryers belts to every 20 minutes free position (Confirm the power disconnect), until the dryer temperature has dropped below 80 degrees.